Your Ultimate Packing Checklist

Have you ever arrived at your final destination or even got through security at the airport and suddenly realized, "Oh no! I forgot my [insert what you forgot here]!" Isn't that such a crappy feeling? Well, I've been there!  I feel you.  And I've got your back.  

I love traveling, but my least favorite travel related thing to do is pack.  After many trips here and there and also forgetting a critical item or two, I've put together the Ultimate Packing Checklist to help ensure we haven't missed anything important for our next journey.  And allow us to head off to the airport excited and relaxed and stress free!

Feel free to use it as a tool for preparing for your trip as well!

Taryn W.

Lover of travel, dogs, photography, dancing, the unusual, and brilliant conversation.

One of the best days of my life


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