How Paperless Post Provides Meaningful Connection in an Increasingly Disconnected Digital World

Of all the things I’m super passionate about in life, there are two things that sit very close to the top of the list; self-care and community.  In a world where you can simply end a conversation by sending a heart emoji or double-tap on a message in your Instagram DM, it can become too easy to feel like you’re alone left to float out on an island of one and miss out on meaningful conversation and necessary connection.

A Paperless Post I sent to an acquaintance

A Paperless Post I sent to an acquaintance

The façade of social media and the convenience and vastness of the internet can make us feel more separated than together, but if used wisely it does have the ability to bridge the gap of physical distance.

A few months ago I shared via Facebook post how much I missed getting personal letters on pretty stationery in the mail and I had the sense my friends were feeling the same way too. I decided to offer to mail anyone interested in receiving a spontaneous letter or postcard from my travels a little token of communication as a means of forging more connection and personalization. One thing that’s certain is that we are on borrowed time. Now is the time to say what we feel and express how much we appreciate and love each other.

As suspected, I had nearly 20 people confirm they would love to receive some mail and were happy to send over home and email addresses. My journey for old school personal connection began.

A photo of the postcard I sent to a friend in NYC from my Sedona road trip once she received it

A photo of the postcard I sent to a friend in NYC from my Sedona road trip once she received it

When I got the opportunity to execute my plan to connect digitally, I couldn’t resist the chance. I spent the entire month of September sending out customized Paperless Posts to all the lovely souls who wanted to receive mail and a few more special loves, just because.  And it came at the perfect time.  I find the transition from summer to autumn to be a nostalgic one. A time to get cozy, connected, hunker down for the holiday season… I too found myself yearning for more closeness and conversation.

With each card I emailed out, I received a lovely little message back from the recipient with notes of gratitude, surprise, appreciation, and kind thoughts. Whether I was sending some of the posts for love or from love, it was hitting the spot. More yummy connection and more communication with every effort. If one wants to feel connected sometimes she has to be the one to start the connecting.

A Paperless Post I sent to an old and fabulous college friend

A Paperless Post I sent to an old and fabulous college friend

I’m still in love with my idea of sending traditional snail mail, but with busy everyday life and responsibility, sending Paperless Posts couldn’t be any easier or efficient.  You create an account, pick from one of the hundreds of beautifully designed cards in the inventory, (you can customize even further if you wish), add who you’re sending it too, add some ‘coins’ and send!  That’s it.

A Paperless Post I sent to a former colleague

A Paperless Post I sent to a former colleague

At first glance, it may not seem as obvious that sending mail is a key way to bring yourself self-care, but it is worth exploring and feeling a hit of love and support when you need it most. Happy mailing!

Oh! And let me know how your mailing goes!



*This is a sponsored post, however I will not receive any proceeds if you use the service
Taryn W.

Lover of travel, dogs, photography, dancing, the unusual, and brilliant conversation.

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